Lower School
Physical Education
The Waynflete Lower School physical education program focuses on fine and gross motor skills, confidence-building, teamwork—and fun.
Our students can’t stop talking about Scooterville, or Shipwreck, or new games from other cultures they are learning during Global Focus Week.
Children this age are filled with energy—and our teachers love keeping up with them. Lower School students get daily outdoor play in all kinds of weather. Mindful moments with yoga poses, stretches, and measured breathing. A solid introduction to the basic skills of team sports and plenty of pick-up games. And classroom spaces designed for kids on the move.
“I encourage you to visit us and spend some time in Lower School and experience the energy of children who are happy and engaged in learning, with one another, their teachers, the space, and the materials.”
Anne Scribner Hopkins
Waynflete Lower School Director